Bid Form
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O'Leary Antiques Auctions


Antique Auction Sat. November 18, 2006

Larz Anderson Auto Museum
15 Newton St. Brookline, Mass

Auction Preview; 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Auction starts at 11:30 a.m.

For inquiries call Phyllis O'Leary at 617-734-3967
e-mail:orp3@comcast.net Fax: 617-739-4845

Terms: cash, approved check, MC/Visa
15% buyer's premium 2.5% discount for cash or good check
(Please see "Terms" page for complete terms)


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Late 19th cent.
stacking tables
Gorham Bronze Plaque
Gorham plant 1910, des. & modeled by Edwin Codman 2" x 3' 1/2"
French clock &
candleabra set

Tiffany bar & humidor set sign.Tiffany & Co. Union St.
15" H x 14 1/2" W x 9" D

Cast iron ladder truck 18" Lx 4 1/2" H.
Meissen figurines
crossed swords, 10"H
Set of six signed Stouffer dinner plates
Marble clock base with quartz movt 17" x 8 1/2 W, electrified,
  A. Leslie Ross N.Y. illustrator, gouache on paper, unfr.15"w x 21"h
Late 18th cent. one drawer stand, 25 1/2"H, 26"W top table, 16" depth.
Copper weathervane, Trotting horse and sulky with driver 16"height, 33" length
late 19th C. American o/b unsigned, 12" x 16" framed
Eugene Laforet ptg. 22" x 34" slight tear to left side of ptg
Late 19th cent. table watch jewel movt. Swiss mount, Ebel 115353 3x3"
Fordells-Pla sign.
bstract watercolor
26 1/2" W x 34 1/2" H
Herman Miller cradle rocker
Ant. Caucasian Karabagh
4' 1" wide, 13' 2" long
Antique Kazak rug
4' W x 12' 2"L
Kurdish rug
3' 6" W x 19'. L .
Engraving by Piranesi .