Bid Form
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O'Leary Antiques Auctions


Antique Auction Sat. November 18, 2006

Larz Anderson Auto Museum
15 Newton St. Brookline, Mass

Auction Preview; 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Auction starts at 11:30 a.m.

For inquiries call Phyllis O'Leary at 617-734-3967
e-mail:orp3@comcast.net Fax: 617-739-4845

Terms: cash, approved check, MC/Visa
15% buyer's premium 2.5% discount for cash or good check
(Please see "Terms" page for complete terms)


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Robert Benny

  Gouache and water colors from the Yiddish movie (Light Ahead) written by S.Y. Abramovitsh, (pen name) Mendele 1939 These paintings were executed on the eve of WWII. They represent one of the last windows of Jewish life in the Shtetls of Eastern Europe shortly before it disappeared forever in the Holocaust. Robert Benney, designed the sets and illustrations for the above movie. The gouache and watercolors below were done for the movie.  
"Hodl waits for Fishke"
by Robert Benney

"Hodl greets Fishke."
by Robert Benney

"Midnight in the Shtetl".
by Robert Benney

"Congregation at Sabbath prayer," by Robert Benney

"Book venders"
by Robert Benney
"Hodl and Fishke plan their wedding"
by Robert Benney
"Barber shop dispensary" by Robert Benney
"Yiddish men in sauna"
by Robert Benney

"Group of Men "
by Robert Benney

"Men studying "
by Robert Benney