Bid Form
Previous Auctions
O'Leary Antiques Auctions


Antique Auction Sat. November 18, 2006

Larz Anderson Auto Museum
15 Newton St. Brookline, Mass

Auction Preview; 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Auction starts at 11:30 a.m.

For inquiries call Phyllis O'Leary at 617-734-3967
e-mail:orp3@comcast.net Fax: 617-739-4845

Terms: cash, approved check, MC/Visa
15% buyer's premium 2.5% discount for cash or good check
(Please see "Terms" page for complete terms)


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S.S Tiffany compote
Rogers sculpture
" the favorite scholar"

Napolean porcelain plaques sgn.Viennese painter Wagner

Napolean tea set
M. Rogers pin, Coral neck.,18kt, crystal deco pin, vic. gold pin,G. Jensen pin, Plat. & dia. band
Late 19th C.French
bronze clock 11"H & 14"L
S.S. pitcher Bailey & Co. Chesnut St. Penn 15 "
Ambrotype of
Gen.James H. Ledlie,
1832-1882 Utica, N.Y
Loetz glass vase
8 1/2" H & 7"L
Hanukkah Lamp
sgn. Wolpert
Flora Danica
Space shuttle design lamp
in the style off
Vladimer Kagan
W. L. Leitch watercolor
13 1/2" H x 17 1/2" L
William H. Kimball N. H. artist, w/c 34"W x 27"L
British 19th C. Seascape o/c
"Story of Grace Darling"
15 1/2" W x 12 1/2" L
Gen-Paul watercolor
"Cardplayers" 23" x 23"
American Seascape Mid 19th cent. unsigned o/c
18 ” W x 12” L
Sconces 17" L made by Sterling Bronze Co. N.Y
Rand & Crane S. Shaker, B&M shaker, Tiffany gold gilt bowl, Pierced vase H 16" silver box signed Henniger
Rose Medallion, Oval platter 10 1/2", 1 Pr. Reticulated plates 7 1/2", 3 scalloped edge plates with 4 cups & saucers