Bid Form
Previous Auctions
O'Leary Antiques Auctions


Antique Auction Sat. November 18, 2006

Larz Anderson Auto Museum
15 Newton St. Brookline, Mass

Auction Preview; 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Auction starts at 11:30 a.m.

For inquiries call Phyllis O'Leary at 617-734-3967
e-mail:orp3@comcast.net Fax: 617-739-4845

Terms: cash, approved check, MC/Visa
15% buyer's premium 2.5% discount for cash or good check
(Please see "Terms" page for complete terms)


Please click on thumbnails of item to view a larger image

Auctions page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Robert Benny

"U.S Pacific Fleet"
16" w x 21"L painting

Painting by R.Benney
"Death of the Wahine"
4 1/2" x 8 1/2"

"Enroute to mkt". American Tobacco R.Benney Gouache
9 3/4" x 10 3/4"

"First Flyers" by R. Benney Crew of the Bremen 1st to cross the Atlantic from Europe, Baron Von Heunefeld, Captain Koehl, Maj. Fitzmaurice 1928 carbon, pen & ink
16"w x 21" h

R. Benney "Unexpected Trouble At Sea" Carbon 12" x 10 1/2"
"Alexander Brailowsky"
by R. Benny Ptg. 18" x 18"
"Soldiers" by R. Benny
30" W x 22" H
Adv. ad for Capt. Morgan by Robert Benney 18" x 16"
  Ptg. By Robert Benney 0/B (Glow, Virgin Islands)
17 1/2" H x 25 1/2" W
"The Boxer" (Against The Ropes) acrylic on gesso 14" x 19 1/2" by
Robert Benney"
Robert Benney o/c
Young girl on couch
17 1/2" H x 19 1/2" W
Sinking ship R.Benney ptg 0/B 35 1/2"H x 47 1/2"W  

Still life of stoneware jug and fruit o/c 24"x 28"
R. Benney

R.Benney engraving
The Talmudist
11"H x 14 3/4"W L
Engraving by R. Benney (Loading The Heavy Stuff)
8" H x 11" W
R.Benney engraving
Old Man,
8 1/2" W x 11 1/2"H
  Engraving by R. Benney, Aid Station
13 1/4" H x 15" W
R.Benney part of lot 1of 3
PTO Mess Pencil drawing

R.Benney part of lot 2 of 3
Casualty etching sign.
9 1/2" x 12 1/2" ,

R.Benney part of lot 3 of 3
(Hock Tent) etching sign
13" x 17 1/2"
  Engraving by R. Benney (Sweating It Out)
11" W x 17" H
R. Benney, The tailor
6" x 6"
Artist by R. Benney
4"x 5" engraving
Mending The Nets
by R. Benney
5 1/2" x 7 1/2" engraving.
  Calendar with illustrations by Robert Benney Rhumpy the Rhino
by R. Benney
  (More Benney photos on pg 4)