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O'Leary Antiques Auctions


Antique Auction Sat. November 17, 2018

Masonic Lodge 1101 Highland Ave.
(Rte. 95/128 Exit19B) Needham, Ma.
Auction Preview; 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Auction starts at 11:30 a.m.

For inquiries call Phyllis O'Leary at 617-734-3967
e-mail:orp3@comcast.net Fax: 617-739-4845

For Day of sale inquires (up until 10:30am) please call
617-285-7040 or 617-548-3427

Terms: cash, approved check, MC/Visa
16% buyer's premium 2.5% discount for cash or good check
(Please see "Terms" page for complete terms)

Please click on thumbnails of item to view a larger image
More photos and info will be added regularly


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(Lot of 2) 1. Heinrich Handwerck 24” Bisque swivel head, (Mk. Heinrich Handwerck ,Simon & Halbig 00) composition BJB, o/m w/ teeth. pierced ears, black earrings, dimple on chin, long lt. brown hair, sleep eyes. Dressed in pantaloons, beige half slip, beige full length slip, beige cotton dress w/ small black design, black socks, 1 white leather shoe missing.

2. Simon Halbig 22 1/2”, (Mk. S.H. PB inside star 1909 4 1/4 Germany) Bisque swivel head BJB composition, light brown mohair hair, o/m w/ teeth, fixed brown eyes. Dressed in beige pantaloons, beige sleeveless matching slip.
(Lot of 2) Kestner 24” Bisque shoulder head,(Mk. Dep 10 154 ) o/m w/teeth, dimple on chin, leather lower arms bisque fore arms, cotton upper arms, leather body legs, lower legs cotton, replaced light brown wig, fixed brown eyes. Not dressed.

(2) 19th C. Unknown maker 36” Paper mache shoulder head, cotton body w/ leather arms hands, molded black hair, ptd. blue eyes. Dressed in beige pantaloons, cotton tee shirt and corset.
Simon Halbig 24”, (Mk. 1349 Julia S & H)Bisque fixed head, composition BJB, flapper legs, intact body, original lt. brown hair, fixed blue eyes,o/m w/ teeth, pierced ears. Dressed in cotton sailor suit, white knee high socks and brown shoes.
Handwerck 26” (Mk. 119-13 Handwerck 5 Germany) Bisque swivel head, Composition BJB,Signed on body Heinrich Handwerk Germany #5, o/m w/teeth, pierced ears, dimple on chin, long blonde hair, sleep blue eyes. Dressed in beige pantaloons, beige full length slip, lovely cotton satin full length dress in beige and maroon colored stripe dress w/ elegant hand work on sleeves and hem. Beige socks, brown slip on shoes.
(Lot of 4 dolls) Unknown 17”, Young woman, bisque head and body, ptd. brown eyes, c/m, long brown hair. Dressed in lace beige dress, black, pink, green floral print full length coat, straw hat. woman sitting in a green wood adirondack chair. 2) Unknown 29”, Composition shoulder head, cotton body, blonde wig w/ attached eye glasses, ptd. blue eyes with c/m. Dressed in beige pantaloons. 3) Paper Mache Shoulder head only, brown fixed eyes, c/m, light brown hair. 4) R & B (Arranbee )17”, Composition swivel head, composition body light brown wig, sleep brown eyes. Dressed in beige and blue stripe dress w/ red and yellow flowers. Composition on right side of face with hairline cracks, lower back of head crack.
(5 Pcs) Unknown 24”, Paper mache shoulder head, ptd. c/m, cotton body, wood ptd lower arms, dk. brown wig, fixed glass eyes. Dressed in pantaloons, beige slip, blouse, blue and grey plaid jumper, blue and beige stripped knee socks w/ black leather tie shoes. 2) Tourist Island cloth black dolls. 3) Unknown 18”, Male composition shoulder head, ptd. c/m, cotton body w/ composition lower arms, white wig, ptd. blue eyes, Dressed in brown wool sweater, blue denim pants, green sneakers w/ beige wool socks, carrying a saxophone. Topsy Turvy cloth doll.
(Lot of 3) FIBA 25”, Italy,by Bruno Sacchi, hard cast vinyl arms, upper body, lower legs, cotton mid section, fixed blue eyes, long strawberry blonde hair. Dressed in beige sleeveless dress, white leather shoes. 2) Unknown 30”, Middle East dressed black male, bisque shoulder head, fixed eyes, c/m, cloth body, bisque lower arms, head covered w/ pink satin turban. Dressed in Indian traditional clothing. Beige cotton coat, pants, shirt, bead necklace and brown leather shoes.3) Unknown 28”, Composition shoulder head, fixed eyes, c/m, brown wig straw filled body composition lower arms and legs, no clothes. Lower legs replaced.
Lot of Vintage Ginny dolls, doll suitcases,clothes, doll rocker and bed, Pelham puppet of young girl made in England in original box.