Unknown, 14”, Martha Washington, Wax shoulder head, cloth body,comp lower arms, plater lower legs, blond original wig, fixed blue eyes, closed mouth. Original black dress silk, beaded silk lace hat, black silk slip. |
Germany 10 1/2” Boy doll, bisque swivel head open mouth w/ teeth, comp. BJB. sparce short blonde mohair wig, sleep blue glass eyes. Beige nightgown, maroon colored socks, black leather shoes. Mark U Made in Germany |
Jumeau 17 1/4” Mark E6D Depose. String mama doll, bisque swival head,o/m,comp. jointed body, blonde mohair wig, paperweight blue fixed eyes. Matching green hat & coat w/ lace trim, 2 petticoats, pantaloons, knit socks w/ black leather shoes. |
German Kestner 12” Marked made in A Germany 5 143. body marked Germany 2/0 Dolly, bisque swivel head, very good condition composition BJB. original mohair hair, blue sleep eyes, redressed beige pantaloons, cotton short sleeve slip, lace bonnett, no socks and shoes. |
1. F&B, 8 3/4” bisque swivel head, replaced composition body, mohair wig, blue fixed glass eyes, c/m, beige and print dress with matching hat. 2. Probably English, 20” Mama doll w/ mama box, Wax over paper mache shoulder head, c/m,fixed blue eyes, no wig, cloth & composition body, Beige skirt, beige blouse w/ lace trim. 3. Origin unknown 36”, China shoulder head doll, Greiner style, molded hair, brown ptd. eyes.Cloth body,arms & legs. Redressed in red & black plaid dress, beige apron & slip, pantaloons, knee socks and black leather shoes. |
1. Armand Marseille 9 1/4” Mark: 1894 AM 9/0 DEP. Bisque swivel head, open mouth w/ teeth, comp. body, blonde mohair wig, fixed blue eyes. Dressed in sailor suit, blue beret, holding a tennis racket 2. (33A) Armand Marseille Mark 370 AM-3-DEP 22 1/2”, Bisque fixed shoulderhead, open mouth, leather jointed body, bisque forearms and hands. Long blonde mohair wig. blue sleep paperweight eyes. Dressed in beige pantaloons, beige wool sleeveless dress, beige short sleve blouse and lace trimmed skirt, one forearm replaced. 3. (28A) German or English 26 3/4”, China shoulder head, cloth body, leather lower arms, molded black hair, ptd. blue eyes. Dressed in blue velvet long sleeve dress, beige pantaloons, beige half slip, beige knee high stockings and brown leather shoes. |
Bahr & Proschild mark 209 9” bisque swivel head, blue sleep eyes. o/m, composition jointed body, mohair wig, Dressed in red and white checked print dress w. matching hat, Molded shoes & socks with red trim. |
Mattel 11 1/2” Barbie doll, swivel head, ptd. face, pearl stud earrings, vinyl body, blond saran braided ponytail, ptd. blue eyes, ptd. blue eye liner, red nail polish. Black and white stripe bathing suit. Mark MCMLV111 by Mattel. |
33”, Unknown Composite fixed shoulder head, cloth body, wood arms & legs painted shoes. Painted brown hair, painted brown eyes, black net bonnett, black and white polka dot dress, black ptd. shoes.234) (2.) 27” Pre Greiner type, Composition fixed shoulder head c/m, cloth body, composition Lower arms and legs. brown mohair wig, fixed brown eyes. Damage on right hand of index finger. Dressed in blue and beige long print dress w/ matching bonnet (3). 26” Paper mache fixed shoulder head, c/m, cloth body, wood forearms and lower legs, light brown mohair wig tied on top of head, fixed brown glass eyes. Dressed in cotton scalloped hem slip hemmed pantaloons. |
1.German Mark: 14/166K, 27 1/2”, bisque shoulder head, o/m. blue fixed paperweight eyes. Cloth body, bisque lower arms .Brown curly mohair wig, Dressed in beige, half-slip w/ ruffles at waist, 2. 39 Possibly Unmarked Alberg and Gottschalok 10”, bisque shoulder head, c/m, original hair, fixed blue glass eyes, original cloth body with composition arms, redressed in white voile dress w/ yellow sash and bonnet. Mark 1234 Germany 2 DEP on lower shoulder. 3. 29A German 23”, bisque shoulder head, open mouth w/ teeth, eyes need repair, blonde mohair wig leather body, cloth lower legs, gusseted joints, arm replaced , no clothes. Mark 11 on back of neck |
1.German 27’ Mark II Bisque shoulder head, open mouth,dimple on chin,blonde mohair wig, fixed brown glass eyes. Leather bodice, cloth body,bisque lower arms. Beige cotton pink and green flowered long sleeve dress, no socks or shoes, straw hat. 2. German 23 1/2”, bisque shoulder head, open mouth, brown sleep glass, Lt. brown mohair, leather bodice, cloth body bisque lower forearms, Dressed in beige lace trimmed pantaloons, beige undershirt,light brown tweed full length coat w/ dark brown trim, one black leather shoe, black wool hat shoulder purse.0. |
1.German Kestner Dolly, 24 1/2”, Bisque swivel head, open mouth, composition BJB, replaced auburn hair, fixed brown eyes, o/m, redressed as a boy with black and white striped pants and blouse, beige socks and red leather shoes. Mark; Made in Germany M 146. 2. German Simon & Halbig, Queen Louise 25”, bisque swivel head, open mouth, brown sleep eyes. composition BJB. Clothed in dress with overall red, green and blue,print white socks and brown leather shoes. |