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O'Leary Antiques Auctions


Antique Auction Sat. November 19, 2016

Masonic Lodge 1101 Highland Ave.
(Rte. 95/128 Exit19B) Needham, Ma.
Auction Preview; 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Auction starts at 11:30 a.m.

For inquiries call Phyllis O'Leary at 617-734-3967
e-mail:orp3@comcast.net Fax: 617-739-4845

For Day of sale inquires (up until 10:30am) please call
617-285-7040 or 508-395-2444

Terms: cash, approved check, MC/Visa
16% buyer's premium 2.5% discount for cash or good check
(Please see "Terms" page for complete terms)

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  KESTNER, KAMMER & REINHARDT 15 1/2”, dolly, fine bisque swivel head marked, made in Germany E/9, original blonde mohair wig, sleep pwt. blue eyes,composition BJB, no repairs, two missing fingers on left hand,dressed in old beige cotton dress w/ pink lace trim, pink silk bonnet, petticoat bloomers, lace stockings, original black leather shoes. JUMEAU. portrait France, 13 3/4” bisque swivel head, closed mouth, fixed brown PWT almond shaped eyes, original fine mohair wig,Composition BJB body, redress, beige cotton lace trimmed jacket and beige cotton long skirt w/ beige velvet bonnet, no shoes or socks. KAMMER & REINHARDT 14”, dolly, bisque shoulder plate mark 192 //, sleep blue eyes, o/m, orign. blonde mohair wig, repaired cloth covered composition body w/ cloth upper arms and thighs and composition lower arms and legs, redressed, white dress w/ pink trim, pantaloons, pink cape, white socks and brown shoes. GERMANY. 20”,Bisque shoulder head slightly turned to right side, fixed blue pwt. eyes, long fair mohair wig, cloth body bisque arms, dressed in blue and pink floral cotton dress. GERMANY, 30”, bisque shoulder head, mark “ Made in Germany” O, open mouth, dimple on chin, brown fixed eyes, auburn wig, new cloth body w/ bisque lower arms, dressed in white cotton top w/ lace on sleeves, white skirt w/ ruffled edge, socks only and old pink cape. C. M. BERGMANN WALTERSHAUSEN, 26”, mark Germany 1916 10a, bisque swivel head, o/m. brown fixed eyes, replaced auburn wig, composition BJB, dressed in beige linen jacket and pants with brown leather shoes.  
  ARMAND MARSEILLE 19” dolly, Germany, bisque shoulder head, mark, 3200 AM 1 DEP, fixed blue pwt eyes, o/m, original blonde mohair wig, leather body with lower bisque arms and hands, dressed in original wool white dress with lace , underclothes and cape, stockings and brown shoes. Attributed. KESTNER, 29”, German, bisque shoulder head, mark 154-14.Fixed brown eyes, o/m, hair line crack on left side of face, brown hair, kid leather chest, cloth body, jointed leather thighs and arms, composition lower arms & legs, dressed in white cotton blouse & skirt, white socks, black shoes w/ ankle straps. ARMAND MARSEILLE 12”, Germany, bisque head, mark, AM 341, blue sleep eyes, cloth body w/ voice box, dressed in crochet dressing gown and hat. GERMANY, 21 !/2”, bisque swivel head, brown sleep eyes with lashes, o/m, brown hair wig, well made intact composition BJB, dressed in cotton pantaloons, slip, matching flowered dress and bonnet, white socks and black leather shoes. GERMANY 17 1/2”, bisque shoulder head, mark 7/147, blue fixed pwt eyes, o/m, leather body hinged shoulders and knees, bisque forearms lower cloth legs and feet. white top & skirt. SIMON & HALBIG, KAMMER & REINHARDT, 24”, bisque swivel head, blue fixed eyes, o/m, blonde hair, composition BJB, moveable hands, one broken finger on left hand, dressed dark purple dress w/ matching hat, pantaloons, socks and brown leather shoes. MAX HANDWERK, 22 1/2”, bisque socket head, mark, Made in Germany, Max Handwerk 2 1/2, brown fixed eyes, o/m, dimple on chin, blonde mohair wig, composition BJB body, moveable hands, dressed in pantaloons, slip, burgundy velvet dress w/ matching hat, socks and burgundy leather shoes. SIMON & HALBIG, 12”, black doll, bisque swivel head, mark, SH 1079- 3 1/2 DEP, brown sleep eyes, o/m, original black wig, composition BJB body, redressed in pantaloons, slip, red dress and straw hat. MAKER UNKNOWN 13 1/2” , Black child doll, painted cloth face, painted blue eyes, black short curly wig, cloth body, dressed in red cotton dotted dress w/ red bandana. MAKER UNKNOWN 10”, black cloth doll, white sewn eyes, black yarn hair, dressed in red flowered dress with beige apron. ARMAND MARSEILLE, 29 1/2”, bisque swivel head, mark, Made in Germany Armand Marseille 390 N DRGM 246/1, A 12 M, fixed brown eyes, o/m, replaced blond hair , composition BJB, dressed in beige cotton and lace dress,dressed,pantaloons slip, thigh high stockings and brown leather shoes. Minerva 14”. shoulder head, blue fixed eyes, o/m, original blonde hair, kid leather body, composition forehands, cloth lower legs, dressed in cotton pink and white striped dress. ARMAND MARSEILLE, 8”, dream baby, bisque head, mark, A. M. Germany, missing eyes, cloth body with bisque lower arms and voice box. ARMAND MARSEILLE, 8”, dream baby , bisque head, mark, A. M. Germany, blue fixed eyes, cloth body with bisque lower arms and voice box.  
  GERMAN, 24”, Beautiful bisque turned shoulder head,fixed brown glass eyes, o/m, original fair mohair, leather body with bisque hands, dressed in long beige cotton dress with lace trim. pantaloons, undershirt. C. M. BERGMANN, SIMON & HALBIG, 29 1/2”, Bisque swivel head, mark C. M. BERGMANN, SIMON & HALBERG 13 1/2, brown fixed eyes, o/m, pierced ears, red hair, composition BJB body, dressed in pinafore cotton dress with white background and pink flowers. GERMANY, Grace Putnam 10”, bisque swivel head, blue sleep glass eyes, cloth body with composition hands and voice box. GERMANY, 20 1/2”, bisque shoulder head fine quality, fixed brown glass eyes, o/m, replaced brown hair wig, cloth body with bisque forearms and hands, dressed in pantaloons, full slip, blue.pink and yellow flowered dress. GEBRUDER KUHNLENZ, 21.5”. bisque socket head, mark, GR, 44/29 DEP, brown glass fixed eyes, o/m,original light brown/red hair, composition BJB, redressed red long sleeved dress and red felt hat, pantaloons,slip, socks and brown leather shoes. DRESSEL, CUNO & OTTO, 20”, bisque swivel head, mark, .CUNO & OTTO DRESSEL Germany, blue fixed eyes, o/m, replaced brown hair, composition BJB. redressed in beige slip, beige cotton dress w/ lace trim, socks and brown leather shoes. HANDWERCK, 24”, Dolly face, bisque socket head, mark, Made in Germany Handwork 4, brown fixed glass eyes, o/m, original light brown hair, composition BJB body, chipped finger on left hand, redressed in red velvet coat pantaloons, slip, beige cotton skirt, KESTNER, 23”, dolly, bisque socket head, mark, Made in Germany 164, brown sleep eyes, o/m, original blonde mohair, composition BJB, redressed in beige linen coat, black socks, green leather shoes and straw hat, pantaloons, slip. PATRIB. to JUMEAU, France, 20”, bisque swivel head, mark, 1907-7, blue fixed eyes, o/m, blond mohair wig, composition BJB, redressed in pantaloons. slip. skirt. green silk skirt and matching jacket with black beaded trim, black socks, black leather shoes and black straw hat. FRANCOIS GAULTIER, Germany, 19 1/2”, bisque shoulder head, mark FG, fixed pwt. eyes, original light brown wig, kid leather body with gusset knees, kid leather hands and feet, redressed in pantaloons, 2 slips, brown and beige cotton striped coat w/ straw hat.  
  German, Kestner 24” doll fine bisque shoulder head forward facing #13/147, original blond mohair, blue sleep eyes, o/m, leather body fine bisque arms, cloth lower legs, minor repair to body. Dressed in white dotted print dress with blue ribbon belt. White socks & shoes. German, Simon Halibig bisque swivel head (six point star KR) light brown hair, flirty blue sleep eyes,o/m, pierced ears, composition BJB right upper arm needs some repair. German, Karl Hartmann 21”, bisque swivel head #0 1/2, new auburn wig, typical dolly face fine balanced details, fixed blue glass eyes, o/m, composition BJB, minor repair to body, redressed in rose patterned dress, red shoes white sox. Unmarked German 15” bisque shoulder head, blonde wig, blue fixed paperweight eyes red dots, closed mouth, kid leather body, ballet type posture. Original clothes & shoes,silk beige coat & matching hat with all over leaf pattern. Left leg at gusseted knee joint needs to be repair. Unmarked French fashion doll 15” swivel shoulder plate, original blonde mohair wig,pierced ears with earrings, paperweight blue fixed eyes, c/m, kid leather body, beige short sleeve top with lace trim, skirt beige with ruffled edge. Original brown boots. German Konig & Wernick, 23 1/2” head #130, 60 & 10, bisque swivel,blond hair, missing eyes, o/m, composition BJB. Silk beige jacket & skirt ruffles at wrist and bottom of skirt. German Kestner 18” Darling, bisque shoulder head 3/0 blonde hair fixed eyes, eyelashes need repair, o/m slight chip on upper lip, Leather body with sticker “Dainty Darling” composition forearms & lower legs. Brown velvet jacket, checkered knickers, white & black striped socks. Nippon baby 13” bisque swivel bald head 503, well sculptured ears, o/m, blue sleep eyes, slightly rubbed nose, composition body, missing fingers on right hand, old beige christening dress. German possibly Kestner 18”, dolly swivel head #8, blonde hair, fixed eyes semi paperweight, o/m excellent original composition body, . Dressed in a beige linen dress and hat with blue trim, beige knee socks with brown leather shoes. BERGMANN, 22”, Germany, bisque swivel head, mark, C. M. Bergmann Waltershaus Germany 1916 #4, brown glass sleep eyes, o/m, replaced light brown mohair wig, composition BJB, redressed in black trousers ,cream linen sailor style jacket with black print tie, beige socks and black leather shoes, straw hat. France DEP, 20”, dolly bisque swivel head, mark, DEP 8, brown fixed glass eyes, o/m, pierced ears, composition BJ knees, moving arms and wrists, replaced auburn colored wig, redressed in pantaloons, slip, felt skirt, red cotton coat style dress w/ matching hat, beige socks and red leather shoes.  
  Germany Simon Halbig, 24 1/2” bisque swivel head, mark S & H rare 1009, brown fixed eyes, open mouth, pierced ears, composition BJB. Faux fur cape hat & muff white cotton dress with a ruffled trim at bottom of dress. Pantaloons, white socks. Left hand them and finger on right hand needs restoration. German Peter Scherf 15” mark PSch 1899 3/0 fine bisque shoulder head fixed blue glass eyes, original blonde hair, partially o/m, leather body, upper cloth arms, lower arms leather and bisque, lower legs cloth. Dressed in cotton beige coat bottom trimmed with a lace ruffle. A lace ruffled hat topped with a sprig of flowers.. Armand Marseille 17 1/2” Oriental baby, Bisque swivel head mark A.M. Germany 353/4K., blue sleep eyes, c/m painted black hair, baby body composition movable arms and legs. Dressed in beige cotton plain dress and black shoes. Simon Halbig 27” turned bisque head, mark S & H 1249 Dep Germany 13, fixed blue glass eyes, light blonde hair, o/m, good composition BJB. Dressed in light peach color jacket with white trim, pleated peach skirt with peach colored cloth tie shoes. Hairline on forehead painted over. Unmarked German 14” small dolly, bisque shoulder head, blue glass fixed eyes, o/m, brown original hair, leather body bisque arms, lower cloth legs, Dressed in brown wool cape and brown matching hat, cotton print dress. Left lower leg needs to be reattached. Juneau 9 3/4”H, fine bisque swivel head, mark depose 2 with little red L, blue fixed paperweight eyes, c/m, original blonde mohair, composition body movable arms & legs, body a little worn. Dressed in beige cotton dress, pantaloons, original leather brown shoes with rosettes.